Dear Reader,
This has been most certainly a year of highs and low and I am please to report that we are ending the year on much delayed, though welcomed, high.
This year began most promisingly with steady sales of Fergie’s Sparkling Water® throughout Q1, despite the delays incurred in the previous year. As we approached the end of Q1, we successfully completed a round of funding and hence achieved a key milestone of the year, that saw us heading into Q2 with the opportunity to further expand the volumes of Fergie’s Sparkling Water®. To our great misfortune we ran into difficulties as a result of an unreliable link within our supply chain. This unwelcomed saga robbed us of a fully operational Q2 and Q3 in both time and treasure. Upon reflection and analysis this episode has delivered a most valuable learning experience that should stand the company in good stead and has seen us fortify our supply chain moving forward. I am glad, at least, that this rectification has taken place in Q4 of this year, providing a springboard onto a clear path into 2022.
Despite the trials and tribulations endured midway through this year, we still remained productive insofar as further identifying the first cohort of our OTC medicines we will be progressing with and the articulation of our digital health device; R.O.S.I.A.®. Technology like this and of its kind will be of equal interest and importance to us in the coming years.
Looking back at 2021, there exists one area I’ve identified in which, I believe, we have fallen short and requires our attention and improvement in 2022. The area I am alluding to is the level and rate of engagement we currently have with the public. Even with all things considered, with regards to delays and unforeseen setbacks, I believe that the true potential and relevance of Nnadi’s Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals will not be met or recognized without consistency in public engagement. We seek to do better on this front heading into 2022.
Though all our milestones for 2021 may not have been met with the intended momentum desired, I take heart, nonetheless, in the fact that we have not been derailed or despondent by our performance mid-2021. I can say that the character and attitude of this company during this year truly embodies the company’s motto of “Onwards We March”. Whilst 2021 further tested this company’s resolve, 2022 will test the economic and commercial prowess and I am confident that this fledging company and quiet beast will find its balance and will hit its stride from 2022 onwards.
We await this New Year with a replenished resolved and an unwavering focus upon the milestones we seek to achieve. We wait for the New Year and the next chapter in this company with excitement and bated breath.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to keep safe and to extend to you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Most Sincerely,
Sonny Ume
Founder & Managing Director,
Nnadi’s Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
© All rights reserved, Nnadi’s Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 2021